Thursday, November 11, 2010

Final Project Aesthetics Scene

For this assignment we just need to have our enough assets made to create a scene to test how the overall aesthetics will look for our final. This doesn't mean that this didn't require some work and thought. I decided to change my Star Girl's outline from black to a reddish-brown because the heavy weight didn't mix well with the backgrounds and scenery I made for my other pieces. The biggest problem I think I have right now is trying to figure out how to make the CC Particle Effect not look like a glow effect.

I think I need to add more layered textures to the trees and add more trees to make it look haunting and like a forest. I think I need to add more buildings in the background layer to emphasize the fading away of the city. Also the more I look at it, the "stars" in the sky are too small and need to be slightly bigger but not so much as they distract the viewer or crowd the scene. I think I need to have a further distance from the city and the tree line. Also I wonder if there should be some sort of fog effect around the trees. And furthermore if they should have some sort of line weight to them. The yellow tree could be pushed back further into space to show depth and the color hue could be toned down because the yellow is pretty distracting.

Inspired by:
This is a shot from a animation that Erik Nakamura and Saelee Oh. Saelee Oh does a lot of cut paper work and I just was drawn to this piece because even though the individual assets are flat the shadows and layering add a lot of depth.

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